2007年7月9日 星期一

╭。☆雙層魚柳包+DIE HARD 4.0☆。╮

07/07/2007 (星期六)
三條七的日子,早上要上班,之前連續兩晚都夜睡,所以疲勞得要死,午飯時間終於試了雙層魚柳包,因為我很喜歡吃魚柳包 ,所以很大期望,單一個售$14.50,一個餐則$24.50,結果要了餐,打開時,可能我太大力拿著,那兩塊魚柳夾在一起很醜,不過味道都不錯,因為喜歡吃魚柳,而且也喜歡醬汁,幸好醬汁因為包多了魚柳也隨之增加很多,沒有令我失望,多了一塊魚柳應該可以飽肚一點,適合我這個大胃王,不過我覺得貴,因為平日一個包不會賣$14.50啦!

連續很多天都外出,今天本來想在家休息一整天,不過因為老爸想看Die Hard,所以就陪他在附近看了Die Hard 4.0,兩個小時左右,很刺激,喜歡動作片的人一定覺得不錯,不過亦很犯駁,Bruce Willis簡直好像有不死身,只要不計較劇情就絕對可以一看!
This time around he is assigned to bring Matt Ferrell, a known hacker, to the FBI after some top security government mainframes are hacked. McClane and Ferrell barely get away with their lives and the US begins to crumble as a nationwide cyberspace takeover is engineered by some clever terrorists.

It has been 12 years and several weeks of controversy here on IMDb about this much anticipated release, but here it is, finally. And it doesn't disappoint. From the first scene to the last there is lightning fast pacing and many jaw droppingly spectacular stunt pieces. Much like the previous Die Hard entries logic isn't exactly a part of the game, but sheer adrenaline packed excitement sure is. John McClane is faced with many outrageous challenges and like before he doesn't back down even after seriously getting his ass whooped. But that's McClane you. Also, McClane isn't just as tough and resourceful as ever, he is a wise ass at the top of his game. Much of the "controversy" on the forums here was about the PG-13 rating's limited profanity (I know, I participated in the discussion), but guess what? There is profanity! But it is not really that that matters, it is John McClane's wise ass no fear attitude that fans want and that is just what they get. The profanity is obviously less than in the previous films but it still has plenty of funny moments and the famous 'yippy kah yay' quote is here in full glory.

Also, the stunt work is in full glory with several amazing set pieces, especially a dual with a super fighter jet near the end. Grade-A Hollywood mayhem and destruction and very little apparent CGI. As far as summer entertainment goes - forget or Spider Man 3 - this is an action movie that knows when it is getting over the top ridiculous and spares the viewer overkill, but still manages to be ridiculous and entertaining. There are also subtle references to previous Die Hard movies that fans will undoubtedly smile at.


